Upgrading to v0.6.0

Upgrading to v0.6.0

For a full list of changes, please refer to the CHANGELOG (opens in a new tab).

Record not found, no longer errors

The Polybase DB client @polybase/client no longer throws an error if a record is not found. Polybase DB now always returns a CollectionRecordResponse.

If the record does not exist, the .data property will be null. You can call also use the helper method .exists() to check if the record exists.


You had to capture the error and check if it was a PolybaseError and if the reason was record/not-found.

const userData = await polybase.collection<User>('User').record(publicKey).get()
.catch(async (err) => {
  // Previously, you would get an error if the record did not exist
  if (err && err instanceof PolybaseError && err.reason === 'record/not-found') {
    // Record does not exist
    return null
  throw err


Polybase DB client will not error on record not found. Instead, .data property will be null.

// userData will always return a CollectionRecordResponse (even if record does not exist)
const userData = await polybase.collection<User>('User').record(publicKey).get()
// Check if the record exists
const exists = userData.exists()
// Or check if the data is null
const exists = === null

Polybase DB Docs